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So your home's on the market — are you jazzed about getting it sold? Good. But there are a few things you need to know. More specifically, ten things. They’re called “The Ten Commandments of Selling a Home.”

Read them. Absorb them. Emblazon them to memory, because one tiny mis-step can make your dream of moving on to your next home come crashing down like a sandcastle at high tide.

The Ten Commandments of Selling a Home

    1. Thou shalt vacate the house for all showings.
    1. Thou shalt assume every day is a showing day. Keep it clean and clutter free, with pets properly secured.
    1. Thou shalt not turn off utilities before closing.
    1. Thou shalt fill out property condition disclosure completely and disclose all known defects.
    1. Thou shalt not stop paying the mortgage.
    1. Thou shalt not rely upon Zillow to determine your sales price (that’s what your agent is for).
    1. Thou shalt make all beds before all showings (which includes NOT being in bed during showings).
    1. Thou shalt send anyone inquiring about the property to your agent.
    1. Thou shalt not call your agent at 11 PM.
    1. Thou shall not cook broccoli.
Categories: Home SellingEducation
Local: Katy - Southwest
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